FROM INSTAGRAM: @jerrysartarama has the Winsor & Newton #Brushmarkers for $3.49. Some of the colors have gone out of stock just since I ordered on Monday. Every where else I looked had them at $3.99 and up. Go grab a few.
I love the flexibility of this #brushnib. ❤ . Some ppl like harder nibs, but these glide across even the cheapest paper.
#winsornewtonbrushmarkers #winsorandnewton #copic #copicalternative #copicalternatives #brushpens #betterthancopic #color #coloring #drawing #plannertools #plannersupplies #stationery #coloringsupplies #bujo #bujosupplies #bujotools #coolaqua #mintgreen #berryred #praline #putty #indigo #turquoise