Creamy Macadamia Lite Moisturizer makes approx 228g (fits 8oz jar)
macadamia nut oil
All recipes at using Macadamia Nut oil as an ingredient. Macadamia nut oil is a great emollient used in haircare and skincare. It helps with shine, and is said to make the hair feel softer. The oil is also easily absorbed by the skin.
RoRo Softening Leave-in w/Rosemary and Rosehips This is a light leave-in mix that absorbs well. makes approx...
Moisturizing Macadamia Nut Leave-in Lite version #4 (No added Protein) makes 227g (approx 8oz)
Hibiscus Coconut Conditioner Leave-in with Macadamia makes approx 253g (approx 9 ounces wt.)
226g (approx 8oz) measurement in weight
I've found this recipe also works well with a pineapple fragrance. Something about the cocoa butter...
Macadamia and Aloe Vera Skin Cream (makes approx 8oz)